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How Big is a Snake Territory?

Snakes are common animals and chances are that you have seen a snake slithering around at some point in life. They can be found on every continent on Earth except Antarctica and can be found in a variety of habitats. Snakes are generally shy animals who want nothing to do with people. They can be beneficial because they eat mice, slugs, grubs, insects, and other pests and they can be food for other wildlife such as hawks. Although most species of snakes in North America are harmless, there are some venomous species that can pose risks to people and pets.

Most snakes live in tropical rainforests around the world. This habitat is home to both poisonous snakes, such as mambas and cobras, as well as constrictors, like pythons and boas. It's no wonder that snakes love to live in this habitat! The temperatures are warm year-round, which means snakes do not need to hibernate in the winter. The floor of a rainforest is also shady and wet, so snakes can stay cool on hot, sunny days. Best of all, tropical rainforests are full of food for snakes to eat, like insects and birds.

Snake Territory

As there is no real evidence that suggests that snakes are territorial. It is not unusual to find more than one individual of a particular species of snake in the same area. But, snakes have a homing instinct. They are likely to move back to a suitable location with lot of prey and shelter even after relocation. Snakes not being territorial means they don't engage in fights over territory like many other animal species. They have no problems about sharing. The only time you see snakes fighting would be for a mate or if one species is a prey choice of the other species. However, there were suggestions that carpet snakes are territorial and defend their individual territory but there is no real proof yet.

Snake Search for Food

Snakes are carnivores. This means that they only eat meat. Snakes are often seen as pests, but they actually can help keep pests at bay by eating rodents. Many people think that all snakes kill their prey by biting it and injecting the prey with poison. This is not true, cobras, vipers and other related species are the only snakes that use venom to hunt.

Most snakes simply swallow their prey whole. Large snakes, such as the python, will strangle their prey to death and then swallow it whole. Snakes can eat other animals 75 to 100 percent bigger than their own size. They have been known to eat animals such as crocodiles and cows. To fit the large prey into their mouth, the snake's jaw will unhinge. Once the animal is inside, the snake's body releases enzymes to break the food down into usable energy. Snakes don't need to eat as often as other animals because they have a very slow metabolism rate. King cobras, for example, can live for months without food.

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